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October 27, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

TAZKIRAH ALUMNI (oleh Ustaz Dr. Zainuddin Ismail, AIKOL) Tarikh :  27 Okt 2021 (Rabu) Masa : 9.00 Malam * Pautan Zoom:…

October 20, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

TAZKIRAH ALUMNI (oleh Ustaz Dr. Zainuddin Ismail, AIKOL) ???? 20 Okt 2021 (Rabu) ⌚9.00 Malam ????Pautan Zoom: Join Zoom…

October 18, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

Salam Maulidur Rasul everyone! Praying that we will all be included among those loved by the Prophet Muhammad SAW.  We…

October 12, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

TAZKIRAH ALUMNI (oleh Ustaz Dr. Zainuddin Ismail, AIKOL)  12 Okt 2021 (Rabu) 9.00 Malam Pautan Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting…

October 12, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

IIUM Alumni Day 10 October 2021 We would like to thank all the alumni who have supported the 5 programs held in conjunction…

October 10, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

Calling all Nigerian alumni wherever you are please join this program:

October 7, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

Dear Beloved Alumni @ the Torchbearers of the Ummah and IIUM family & Friends You are all invited to the IIUM Alumni…

October 5, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

TAZKIRAH ALUMNI( oleh Ustaz Dr. Zainuddin Ismail, AIKOL) ???? 6 Okt 2021 (Rabu) ⌚9.00 Malam ????Pautan Zoom: Join Zoom…

October 3, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

Assalamu’alaikum everyone. Hope you are all well. Remember last year we have announced that the University has recognized…

September 29, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

TAZKIRAH ALUMNI(oleh Ustaz Dr. Zainuddin Ismail, AIKOL) 29 Sept 2021 (Rabu)9.00 MalamPautan Zoom:Join Zoom Meeting #stayathome

September 14, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

Assalamu’alaikumWarahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Dear IIUM Alumni, �Office of Deputy Dean Postgraduate and Research (DDPGR)…

September 14, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

TAZKIRAH ALUMNI: SOLAT BERJEMAAH (oleh Ustaz Dr. Zainuddin Ismail, AIKOL) * 08 Sept 2021 (Rabu) * 9.00 Malam Pautan Zoom:…

September 3, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

Conveying an invitation from our alumni in Australia to all of you: The 2021 conference for the Australian Association of…

August 31, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

TAZKIRAH ALUMNI: PANDUAN IBADAH PESAKIT  (oleh Ustaz Dr. Zainuddin Ismail, AIKOL) * 1 Sept 2021 (Rabu) * 9.00 Malam Pautan…

August 25, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

IIUM Alumni Malaysia #QuranHour 2021  Di ambang Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! Marilah kita meraikan Kemerdekaan Malaysia Ke-64…

August 25, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

TAZKIRAH ALUMNI: PANDUAN IBADAH PESAKIT  (oleh Ustaz Dr. Zainuddin Ismail, AIKOL) * 25 Ogos 2021 (Rabu) * 9.00 Malam Pautan…

August 24, 2021
by Adis Azizan

Congratulations & thank you for being an IIUM alumni. You are indeed the pride of the Ummah. We hope your success and…

August 16, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

TAZKIRAH ALUMNI: PANDUAN IBADAH PESAKIT (oleh Ustaz Dr. Zainuddin Ismail, AIKOL) ???? 18 Ogos 2021 (Rabu) ???? 9.00 Malam…

August 14, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

????????Calling alumni residing in Selangor???????? *APPOINTMENT BOOKING OF VACCINES SLOT FOR IIUM STUDENTS AND ALUMNI*…

August 14, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

Calling all KLM alumni. This is for you! 2:00 pm today!

August 10, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

TAZKIRAH ALUMNI: PANDUAN IBADAH PESAKIT  (oleh Ustaz Dr. Zainuddin Ismail, AIKOL) ???? 11 Ogos 2021 (Rabu) ???? 9.00 Malam…

August 10, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

On 30 April 2021 we have shared about Dr. Ahmad El-Muhammady’s appointment as an Associate fellow at International Centre…

August 2, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

And now brothers and sisters, we would like to introduce the new Director of Alumni Relations Division to all of you! He…

August 2, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

We would like to express our earnest gratitude to Dr. Syakir Amir Ab. Rahman for the commitment and hard work that he has…

August 2, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

August 2, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

We would like to express our appreciation to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azam Othman for his service as the Director of Alumni Relations…

August 2, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

TAZKIRAH ALUMNI : Panduan Ibadah Pesakit (Minggu ke4) Tarikh : 28 Julai 2021 (Rabu) Waktu : 9.00 Malam Pautan Zoom:…

July 27, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

In conjunction with the IIUM Takrim Day 2021 held this morning, the University has awarded the following awards to alumni…

July 26, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

Dear Prof./Dr./Brothers and Sisters, السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته We would like to invite…

July 26, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

TAZKIRAH ALUMNI : Panduan Ibadah Pesakit (Minggu ke4) Tarikh : 28 Julai 2021 (Rabu) Waktu : 9.00 Malam Pautan Zoom:…

October 27, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

TAZKIRAH ALUMNI (oleh Ustaz Dr. Zainuddin Ismail, AIKOL) Tarikh :  27 Okt 2021 (Rabu) Masa : 9.00 Malam * Pautan Zoom:…

October 20, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

TAZKIRAH ALUMNI (oleh Ustaz Dr. Zainuddin Ismail, AIKOL) ???? 20 Okt 2021 (Rabu) ⌚9.00 Malam ????Pautan Zoom: Join Zoom…

October 18, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

Salam Maulidur Rasul everyone! Praying that we will all be included among those loved by the Prophet Muhammad SAW.  We…

October 12, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

TAZKIRAH ALUMNI (oleh Ustaz Dr. Zainuddin Ismail, AIKOL)  12 Okt 2021 (Rabu) 9.00 Malam Pautan Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting…

October 12, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

IIUM Alumni Day 10 October 2021 We would like to thank all the alumni who have supported the 5 programs held in conjunction…

October 10, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

Calling all Nigerian alumni wherever you are please join this program:

October 7, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

Dear Beloved Alumni @ the Torchbearers of the Ummah and IIUM family & Friends You are all invited to the IIUM Alumni…

October 5, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

TAZKIRAH ALUMNI( oleh Ustaz Dr. Zainuddin Ismail, AIKOL) ???? 6 Okt 2021 (Rabu) ⌚9.00 Malam ????Pautan Zoom: Join Zoom…

October 3, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

Assalamu’alaikum everyone. Hope you are all well. Remember last year we have announced that the University has recognized…

September 29, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

TAZKIRAH ALUMNI(oleh Ustaz Dr. Zainuddin Ismail, AIKOL) 29 Sept 2021 (Rabu)9.00 MalamPautan Zoom:Join Zoom Meeting #stayathome

September 14, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

Assalamu’alaikumWarahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Dear IIUM Alumni, �Office of Deputy Dean Postgraduate and Research (DDPGR)…

September 14, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

TAZKIRAH ALUMNI: SOLAT BERJEMAAH (oleh Ustaz Dr. Zainuddin Ismail, AIKOL) * 08 Sept 2021 (Rabu) * 9.00 Malam Pautan Zoom:…

September 3, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

Conveying an invitation from our alumni in Australia to all of you: The 2021 conference for the Australian Association of…

August 31, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

TAZKIRAH ALUMNI: PANDUAN IBADAH PESAKIT  (oleh Ustaz Dr. Zainuddin Ismail, AIKOL) * 1 Sept 2021 (Rabu) * 9.00 Malam Pautan…

August 25, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

IIUM Alumni Malaysia #QuranHour 2021  Di ambang Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! Marilah kita meraikan Kemerdekaan Malaysia Ke-64…

August 25, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

TAZKIRAH ALUMNI: PANDUAN IBADAH PESAKIT  (oleh Ustaz Dr. Zainuddin Ismail, AIKOL) * 25 Ogos 2021 (Rabu) * 9.00 Malam Pautan…

August 24, 2021
by Adis Azizan

Congratulations & thank you for being an IIUM alumni. You are indeed the pride of the Ummah. We hope your success and…

August 16, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

TAZKIRAH ALUMNI: PANDUAN IBADAH PESAKIT (oleh Ustaz Dr. Zainuddin Ismail, AIKOL) ???? 18 Ogos 2021 (Rabu) ???? 9.00 Malam…

August 14, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

????????Calling alumni residing in Selangor???????? *APPOINTMENT BOOKING OF VACCINES SLOT FOR IIUM STUDENTS AND ALUMNI*…

August 14, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

Calling all KLM alumni. This is for you! 2:00 pm today!

August 10, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

TAZKIRAH ALUMNI: PANDUAN IBADAH PESAKIT  (oleh Ustaz Dr. Zainuddin Ismail, AIKOL) ???? 11 Ogos 2021 (Rabu) ???? 9.00 Malam…

August 10, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

On 30 April 2021 we have shared about Dr. Ahmad El-Muhammady’s appointment as an Associate fellow at International Centre…

August 2, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

And now brothers and sisters, we would like to introduce the new Director of Alumni Relations Division to all of you! He…

August 2, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

We would like to express our earnest gratitude to Dr. Syakir Amir Ab. Rahman for the commitment and hard work that he has…

August 2, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

August 2, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

We would like to express our appreciation to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azam Othman for his service as the Director of Alumni Relations…

August 2, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

TAZKIRAH ALUMNI : Panduan Ibadah Pesakit (Minggu ke4) Tarikh : 28 Julai 2021 (Rabu) Waktu : 9.00 Malam Pautan Zoom:…

July 27, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

In conjunction with the IIUM Takrim Day 2021 held this morning, the University has awarded the following awards to alumni…

July 26, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

Dear Prof./Dr./Brothers and Sisters, السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته We would like to invite…

July 26, 2021
by Hariyati Omar

TAZKIRAH ALUMNI : Panduan Ibadah Pesakit (Minggu ke4) Tarikh : 28 Julai 2021 (Rabu) Waktu : 9.00 Malam Pautan Zoom:…