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August 13, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

Baru lepas post pasal bi-election kat Slim, ni ha ada jemputan untuk orang Perak dari IIUM Alumni Association: IIUM ALUMNI…

August 13, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

August 13, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

. Dato’ Seri Dr. Zambry Abdul Kadir (ENM, 1987 - first batch) was appointed as non-independent non-executive chairperson…

July 27, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

July 27, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

‌  Dr. Mazlan Ahmad (Acc, 1994) received his Letter of Appointment as Panelist of Operations Review Panel, Malaysian…

July 13, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

10 July 2020 Handing Over of Laptop for IIUM Needy Students by CEO MIMOS Berhad organised by Alumni Relations Division

July 13, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

Global integrated engineering services provider Serba Dinamik Holdings Bhd has announced the appointment of Azhan Azmi (ACC,…

July 13, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

Congratulations to Mr. Pritam Singh (DIS, 2006) for winning the Singapore general elections yesterday, hence being elected…

July 13, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

We are proud to announce the winners of the Alumni Awards, presented in conjunction with IIUM Takrim 2020 Congratulations…

July 8, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

IIUM won! A special Thank You to our Rector, Tan Sri Dzulkifli Abdul Razak for leading IIUM towards this agenda. We made…

July 8, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

It’s an amazing feeling when you find out that 2 of the 5 newly appointed Malaysian Ambassadors are IIUM ALUMNI!  Congratulations…

July 4, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

Our Heartiest Congratulations to YB Datuk Seri Dr. Irmohizam Ibrahim (Laws, 2000) on his appointment as the Chairman of…

July 1, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

‌ We are happy to share the news on the appointment of Dr. Bedjo Santoso (IIBF, 2016) as the new Rector of Sultan Agung…

June 24, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

Dear IIUM Alumni Subject: Survey on Islamisation index This survey is part of a research project by the Center for Islamisation…

June 15, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

‌ A big shout-out to Datuk Dr. Rais Hussin (DBA, 2016) on his appointment as Chairman of Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation…

June 10, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

‌  Pengarah Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya Malaysia Negeri Selangor, Ikmalrudin Ishak (IRKHS, 1995) dilantik sebagai Setiausaha…

June 3, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

‌  Congratulations Encik Redhauddin Kamaruzaman (PSYC, 2003) on your appointment as Director, Education Malaysia Division,…

May 23, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

‌ As we draw the curtain of Ramadan 1441, here’s our Eid Greetings to our pride and joy, the IIUM alumni #EIDamidstcovid19…

May 20, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

A‌ gift of love for everyone  from Dr. Zabrina A Bakar (KENMS, 1995). She is sharing her book 'Life is an Open Secret…

May 19, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

‌ Posting an info shared by Dr. Syarqawy, KICT: If you are Malaysian and currently unemployed, the Malaysian Government…

May 25, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

Calling  all Turkish alumni wherever you are and also IIUM alumni staying in Turkey - do join the Virtual Eid Gathering…

May 17, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

COVID 19 DONATION DRIVE: 2ND GIFT BAG TO STUDENTS Alhamdulillah on 6 April 2020 we delivered 3400 Anti Bacterial Soaps to…

May 17, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

Distribution of Food Bags to our youngest ‘siblings’ in Centre for Foundation Studies, Gambang on 26 March 2020.

May 17, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

Distribution of 60 Food Bags at Mahallah Zaid Bin Harithah, IIUM Pagoh on 25 March 2020.

May 17, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

Meanwhile in Kuantan Campus, 330 food bags were distributed on 26 March 2020 to students from 6 Kulliyyahs: MedicineAllied…

May 17, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

3000 Food bags have been distributed to the students on 23 March 2020. Thank you to all the donors! May Allah bless you…

April 29, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

READ HERE:‌ Reach Issue 1 2019 PDF

May 17, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

This year we are lucky to have 5️⃣Jum’ah in Ramadan and this coming Jum’ah will be the last one. Since Ramadan…

August 13, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

Baru lepas post pasal bi-election kat Slim, ni ha ada jemputan untuk orang Perak dari IIUM Alumni Association: IIUM ALUMNI…

August 13, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

August 13, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

. Dato’ Seri Dr. Zambry Abdul Kadir (ENM, 1987 - first batch) was appointed as non-independent non-executive chairperson…

July 27, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

July 27, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

‌  Dr. Mazlan Ahmad (Acc, 1994) received his Letter of Appointment as Panelist of Operations Review Panel, Malaysian…

July 13, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

10 July 2020 Handing Over of Laptop for IIUM Needy Students by CEO MIMOS Berhad organised by Alumni Relations Division

July 13, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

Global integrated engineering services provider Serba Dinamik Holdings Bhd has announced the appointment of Azhan Azmi (ACC,…

July 13, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

Congratulations to Mr. Pritam Singh (DIS, 2006) for winning the Singapore general elections yesterday, hence being elected…

July 13, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

We are proud to announce the winners of the Alumni Awards, presented in conjunction with IIUM Takrim 2020 Congratulations…

July 8, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

IIUM won! A special Thank You to our Rector, Tan Sri Dzulkifli Abdul Razak for leading IIUM towards this agenda. We made…

July 8, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

It’s an amazing feeling when you find out that 2 of the 5 newly appointed Malaysian Ambassadors are IIUM ALUMNI!  Congratulations…

July 4, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

Our Heartiest Congratulations to YB Datuk Seri Dr. Irmohizam Ibrahim (Laws, 2000) on his appointment as the Chairman of…

July 1, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

‌ We are happy to share the news on the appointment of Dr. Bedjo Santoso (IIBF, 2016) as the new Rector of Sultan Agung…

June 24, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

Dear IIUM Alumni Subject: Survey on Islamisation index This survey is part of a research project by the Center for Islamisation…

June 15, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

‌ A big shout-out to Datuk Dr. Rais Hussin (DBA, 2016) on his appointment as Chairman of Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation…

June 10, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

‌  Pengarah Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya Malaysia Negeri Selangor, Ikmalrudin Ishak (IRKHS, 1995) dilantik sebagai Setiausaha…

June 3, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

‌  Congratulations Encik Redhauddin Kamaruzaman (PSYC, 2003) on your appointment as Director, Education Malaysia Division,…

May 23, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

‌ As we draw the curtain of Ramadan 1441, here’s our Eid Greetings to our pride and joy, the IIUM alumni #EIDamidstcovid19…

May 20, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

A‌ gift of love for everyone  from Dr. Zabrina A Bakar (KENMS, 1995). She is sharing her book 'Life is an Open Secret…

May 19, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

‌ Posting an info shared by Dr. Syarqawy, KICT: If you are Malaysian and currently unemployed, the Malaysian Government…

May 25, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

Calling  all Turkish alumni wherever you are and also IIUM alumni staying in Turkey - do join the Virtual Eid Gathering…

May 17, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

COVID 19 DONATION DRIVE: 2ND GIFT BAG TO STUDENTS Alhamdulillah on 6 April 2020 we delivered 3400 Anti Bacterial Soaps to…

May 17, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

Distribution of Food Bags to our youngest ‘siblings’ in Centre for Foundation Studies, Gambang on 26 March 2020.

May 17, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

Distribution of 60 Food Bags at Mahallah Zaid Bin Harithah, IIUM Pagoh on 25 March 2020.

May 17, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

Meanwhile in Kuantan Campus, 330 food bags were distributed on 26 March 2020 to students from 6 Kulliyyahs: MedicineAllied…

May 17, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

3000 Food bags have been distributed to the students on 23 March 2020. Thank you to all the donors! May Allah bless you…

April 29, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

READ HERE:‌ Reach Issue 1 2019 PDF

May 17, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

This year we are lucky to have 5️⃣Jum’ah in Ramadan and this coming Jum’ah will be the last one. Since Ramadan…