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January 19, 2020
by Faeez

Meeting with Dr Omar Jah, Acting Vice Chancellor Islamic University of Technology (IUT)

January 9, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

November 16, 2019
by Faeez

We would like to congratulate Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azam Othman from Kulliyyah of Education on his appointment as the new Director,…

May 14, 2019
by Adis Azizan

The purpose of IIUM Alumni Scholarship and Financial Assistance (ALSAFA) Fund is to assist needy students of IIUM. The Fund…

August 28, 2019
by Amik

IIUM President, Dato' Dr Mohd Daud Bakar with Hj. Nazri Kahar on Agenda Awani IIUM President, Dato' Dr Mohd Daud Bakar with…

August 28, 2019
by Amik

Congratulations to three of IIUM Alumni (Adventure & Recreational Club Alumni); Khafiz Bachok, Faizal Juana & Zairul…

July 11, 2019
by mmalik

Congratulations to Y. BHG. DATUK DR. MOHD DAUD BAKAR as International Islamic University Malaysia President. #LeadingTheWay

January 19, 2020
by Faeez

Meeting with Dr Omar Jah, Acting Vice Chancellor Islamic University of Technology (IUT)

January 9, 2020
by Hariyati Omar

November 16, 2019
by Faeez

We would like to congratulate Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azam Othman from Kulliyyah of Education on his appointment as the new Director,…

May 14, 2019
by Adis Azizan

The purpose of IIUM Alumni Scholarship and Financial Assistance (ALSAFA) Fund is to assist needy students of IIUM. The Fund…

August 28, 2019
by Amik

IIUM President, Dato' Dr Mohd Daud Bakar with Hj. Nazri Kahar on Agenda Awani IIUM President, Dato' Dr Mohd Daud Bakar with…

August 28, 2019
by Amik

Congratulations to three of IIUM Alumni (Adventure & Recreational Club Alumni); Khafiz Bachok, Faizal Juana & Zairul…

July 11, 2019
by mmalik

Congratulations to Y. BHG. DATUK DR. MOHD DAUD BAKAR as International Islamic University Malaysia President. #LeadingTheWay